Environment SettingsXerox ® WorkCentre® 5022/5024 Multifunction PrinterUser Guide2-33• Maximum Login AttemptsWhen login attempts using the system administrator’s user ID fail repeatedly, access is deniedwhen the number of failed attempts reaches the number set here.Specify a number between 0 and 10. Specify 0 to disable this setting.The total number of failed authentication attempts is reset when authentication is successful orthe system is restarted. (Default: 5)Apply buttonYou can apply changes by pressing this button.Support TabThe links to support information is displayed. The link settings can be changed.SupportChange Settings buttonYou can change the links to support information by pressing this button.• NameYou can enter the link name (between 1 and 63 ASCII code characters).• URLYou can enter the link address (between 1 and 63 alphanumeric characters including the atsymbol (@), percent sign (%), period (.), colon (:), forward slash (/), underline(_), hyphen (-), tilde(~), question mark (?), and ampersand (&), which are valid).Apply buttonYou can apply changes by pressing this button.Address Book TabThe list of location information where the scanned data is stored is displayed.You can register the total of 30 E-mail and Server addresses.View All NamesAddress NumberThe registered numbers (4 digits) of the E-mail or Server addresses are displayed.NameThe registered names of the E-mail or Server addresses are displayed.