26ROP.menu.setting. (continued)COLOR.CONTROL→ ** COLOR CONTROL **CHROMA LEVEL SWITCHCHROMA LEVELOFFCOLOR TEMP SWITCH OFFCOLOR TEMP VALUE 32000%( indicates factory default settings.)Item Display FunctionCHROMA.LEVEL.SWITCHOFFONTurn on when adjusting thechroma gain.CHROMA.LEVEL -100%׀0%׀40%Adjust the chroma gain.COLOR.TEMP.SWITCHOFFONTurn on when adjusting the colortemperature manually.COLOR.TEMP.VALUE2300׀3200׀15000Adjusts the color temperaturewhen [COLOR TEMP SWITCH]is set to [ON].• When under or over, “↓” or “↑”is displayed highlighted on theright side.MATRIX.(1/2)→ ** MATRIX( 1/2 ) **PRESETMATRIX SWITCHMEMORYR-GR-BG-RG-BB-RB-GNORMALOFFA000000( indicates factory default settings.)Item Display FunctionPRESET NORMALEBUNTSCSwitches matrix presets.MATRIX.SWITCH OFFONEnables or disables saturationand color phase correction.MEMORY OFFABSelect matrix memory to adjust..R-G -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation and colorphase of R and G componentsin matrix memory.R-B -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation and colorphase of R and B components inmatrix memory.Item Display FunctionG-R -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation and colorphase of G and R componentsin matrix memory.G-B -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation and colorphase of G and B components inmatrix memory.B-R -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation and colorphase of B and R components inmatrix memory.B-G -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation and colorphase of B and G components inmatrix memory.MATRIX.(2/2)→ ** MATRIX( 2/2 ) **12AXIS MEMORYGSAT PHASE SAT PHASECyBMgRYeG_CyCy_BB_MgMg_RR_YeYe_GA000000000000000000000000( indicates factory default settings.)Item Display Function12AXIS.MEMORYOFFABSelect 12 AXIS memory toadjust.G.SAT -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation of colorcomponents in 12 AXIS matrixmemory.• Not available when [12 AXISMEMORY] is set to [OFF].G_Cy.SATCy.SATCy_B.SATB.SATB_Mg.SATMg.SATMg_R.SATR.SATR_Ye.SATYe.SATYe_G.SATG.PHASE -63׀0׀63Adjusts the color phase of colorcomponents in 12 AXIS matrixmemory.• Not available when [12 AXISMEMORY] is set to [OFF].G_Cy.PHASECy.PHASECy_B.PHASEB.PHASEB_Mg.PHASEMg.PHASEMg_R.PHASER.PHASER_Ye.PHASEYe.PHASEYe_G.PHASE