30 †PLASMA MONITOR4123ImportantAuto Picture/Wide Screen Settings (AUTO PICTURE)This sets the wide screen display (to NORMAL, FULL, ZOOM, or STADIUM).Preparation Press the PROCEED button to display the main menu.Align the cursor withMove the cursor left and right withthe POSITION/CONTROL buttons.Align the cursor with AUTO PICTURESet the wide screen mode with thePOSITION/CONTROL buttonsMove the cursor up and down withthe POSITION/CONTROL buttons.Press the EXIT button 2 timesPress the EXIT button one time to return to the main menu.One further press removes the menu.Wide Screen Setting (WIDE MODE)[NORMAL] : This is the normal screen size (4:3).[FULL] : Enlarges the picture left and right.[ZOOM] : Enlarges the picture left to right and top to bot-tom in the same proportion.[STADIUM] : Enlarges each of the left to right and top to bot-tom values in their respective ratios.* Only [NORMAL] and [FULL] settings are available with anRGB input screen. Precautions in Normal ModeThere are marked differences in brightness between the display portionsand non-display portions (where there is no image) in [NORMAL] modewhich result in image burn-in due to the strong contrast. In view of this,the following settings are strongly recommended.Note that image burn-in will still occur, though somewhat later, even aftermaking these settings and that burn-in cannot be suppressed. The moni-tor should be used in [FULL] mode as much as possible.1. Perform gray level settings to narrow the differences in brightness be-tween display and non-display portions of the image. (See P.46)2. Weaken the image adjustment contrast and brightness. (See P.28)3. Perform the Long Life settings. (P.45) CopyrightPlease note that using this monitor for the purpose of commercial gain orthe attraction of public attention in a venue such as a coffee shop or hoteland employing compression or expansion of the screen image with awide screen setting (of FULL, ZOOM, or STADIUM) raises concern aboutthe infringement of copyright rights which are protected by copyright law. Screen Size and the Original ImageThis monitor is equipped with a wide variety of wide screen settings. Se-lection of a screen size that differs with the image aspect ratio (i.e., theratio of the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the screen) of the videotape or other software will produce differences in appearance with re-spect to the original image. Please keep this point in mind when selectingthe screen size.Note: Supported Input Signals and ResolutionsPlease see Page 64 for information about the input signals and resolu-tions that this monitor supports.: OFF: 4X3: STILLAUTO PICTUREINPUT MODERGB MODEWIDE MODE : FULL: OFF: 4X3: STILLAUTO PICTUREINPUT MODERGB MODEWIDE MODE : FULL