18 †PLASMA MONITORAUDIO OUTL RAUDIO IN 2L(MONO) RVIDEOOUTS-VIDEO VIDEOAUDIO IN 1EXTERNAL CONTROLRGB 1L(MONO) RININ OUTINOUTINRGB 2 /DVD /HDG / Y B / C B / P B H / CS VR / C R / P R REMOTERGB 3IN OUTC/ LINConnectionsConnecting Your VCRConnecting your VCR or laser disc player to your Plasma monitor will enable you to display your VCR' s or laser disc player' s video.Refer to your VCR or laser disc player owner's manual for more information.Connect the Plasma Monitor to a VCR or Laser Disc Player• To connect the VIDEO IN connector (BNC) on the plasma monitor, use a separately available BNC connector cable. You will need aseparately available BNC-to-RCA adapter to connect a VCR or laser disc player with an RCA pin jack to the BNC connector cable.• Video signals can be connected to either the VIDEO IN or the S-VIDEO IN connector. When making the connection, use the inputselection menu to set (BNC) or (S-VIDEO).• Video output will be from the OUT connector that has been set here.• When connecting one or more Plasma monitors, use the VIDEO OUT connectors (BNC).• The AUDIO IN 1 and 2 (both RCA) can be both used for audio input. For connection, select [INPUT 1] or [INPUT 2] from the SOUNDmenu.To audio right outputTo audio left outputPlasma monitorRCAPlasma monitor (second monitor)DIN 4 pinBNCBNC DIN 4 pinTo VIDEO IN To S-VIDEO INBNCDIN 4 pinBNCDIN 4pinTo VIDEO OUTTo S-VIDEO OUTBNC-to-RCAadapterVCR or Laser disc player