5–12INSTALLATIONCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)IV. REPLACING THE DRUM UNITGo through the following when replacing the drum unit:Step1234567WorkTurn off the copier, and open thefront door and the copier’s top unit.Release the developing assembly,and remove the knob to removethe drum unit.Unpack the new drum unit, andremove the light-blocking sheet.Remove the primary chargingroller releasing spacer.Set the drum unit to the copier,and attach the knob used to fix theold drum unit.Fill out the label, and attach it tothe drum unit cover.Lock the developing assembly.RemarksTake care not to damage the surface of the drum and notto touch the primary charging roller.LockingleverKnobDrum unitReleasing spacerReleasing spacer