3–74OPERATIONS AND TIMINGCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)E. Pick-Up from the CassetteFeeding Unit-K11. Pick-Up OperationThe cassette unit motor 1 (M1cu) is used to drivethe vertical path roller, and its drive is also used bythe pick-up operation for cassettes 3 and 4.The drive of the cassette unit motor 2 (M2cu) isused by the pick-up operation of cassette 5.When the pick-up clutch (CL1cu, CL2cu, CL3cu)turns ON, the appropriate pick-up roller rotates, andthe vertical path roller moves the copy paper to thecopier’s vertical path roller. (The copy paper thentakes the same path as it would if picked up from themachine’s cassette.)The cassette unit has three vertical path sensorsused to check the pick-up operation for eachcassette.Figure 3-428M1cuM2cuCL3cuCL1cuCL2cuPS1cuPS2cuPS4cuPS6cuPS3cuPS5cuCassette driver PCBDC controller PCBTo copierJ110-3Cassette 3 vertical path detectionsignal (C3VPD)J120-15Cassette 4 vertical path detectionsignal (C4VPD)J1130-3Cassette 5 vertical path detectionsignal (C5VPD)J110-6Cassette 3 paper detectionsignal (C3PD*)J120-12Cassette 4 paper detectionsignal (C4PD*)J130-6Cassette 5 paper detectionsignal (C5PD*)J135-2Cassette 3 pick-up clutch drive signal(C3PUCLD*)J135-4Cassette 4 pick-up clutch drive signal(C4PUCLD*)J135-6Cassette 5 pick-up clutch drive signal(C5PUCLD*)Pick-up motor 1 drive signalPick-up motor 2 drive signal