5–1INSTALLATIONCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)I. SELECTING THE SITEKeep the following in mind when selecting thesite of installation; if possible, pay a visit to theuser’s before the delivery of the machine.• The site must provide a power outlet that may beused exclusively for the machine and that meetsthe rating ±10%.• The site must be 45.5° to 90.5°F (7.5° to 30°C) intemperature and 10% to 80% in humidity. Inparticular, avoid areas near water faucets, boil-ers, humidifiers, or refrigerators.• Avoid areas near sources of fire, areas subject todust or ammonium gas, or areas exposed to thedirect rays of the sun; if necessary, provide cur-tains to shut out the sun.• The site must be well ventilated.• Make sure that the floor will remain in contact withthe copier’s feet and will keep the copier level.• Make sure that there will be work space thatmeets the measurements shown in Figure 5-101;in other words, there must be distances A and Baround the copier when measured with its frontdoor open.BA AAA: 19.7in./50cmB: 3.9in./10cmFigure 5-101