4–36 COPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)MECHANICAL SYSTEM6. Routing the Blank Shutter CableFigure 4-4107. Adjusting the Left/Right Margin Po-sitionTurn the blank adjusting screw on the front plateshown in Figure 4-411 so that the measurementsmeet the standards.q CW turn: moves the margin to the frontw CCW turn: moves the margin to the reare full turn: moves about 1 mmFigure 4-411Attach the spring the outsideof the slide shutter.Slide shutter (rear)Wind 3.5 itemsSlide shutter (front)18. Installing the Mirror Heater1) Remove the copyboard glass.2) Install the cord clamp q to the bottom plate ofthe lens mount.3) Install the mirror heater e with a screw w.Figure 4-4124) Connect the connector r.5) Set the lens heater harness t to the cordclamp.Figure 4-4136) Install the copyboard glass.45123