5–9INSTALLATIONCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)E. Changing the Cassette SizeChange the cassette size to suit the user’sneeds.1) Slide the cassette out of the copier.2) Move the length plate inside the cassette to suitthe length of the paper size.Figure 5-2013) Move the width plate inside the cassette to suitthe width of the paper to be used.Figure 5-2024) Move the paper size lever found toward thefront of the cassette so that it is aligned with thesize of the paper to be used.Figure 5-203Caution:Failure to adjust the paper size lever will lead tojams or soiling.5) Take out the paper size plates for the cassette,and pick out the four plates representing themost frequently used sizes; attach the labels.Figure 5-204A4R LTR R B5R A4/A5RA5STMTLTR STMTRSTMTRA5RB5RA5/A4RLGL/STMTLTRRB5/B4LTR/11x17A4/A3A5R B5R A4R A B B A AU STMTRLTRR STM LGL LTR 11x17A4A3 A4 RA5 R