3–72OPERATIONS AND TIMINGCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)D. Pick-Up from the CassetteFeeding Module-A21. Pick-Up OperationWhen the pick-up clutch (CL1cu, CL2cu) turnsON while the cassette unit motor (M1cu) is rotating,the pick-up roller rotates to start pick-up operation;the copy paper is sent as far as the vertical pathroller after the pick-up. (The paper, thereafter, takesthe same path as it would if picked up from themachine’s cassette.)The cassette unit is equipped with a pick-upsensor (PS1cu, PS3cu) to detect the arrival of copypaper and determine when to turn off the pick-uproller to suit the size of the paper.Figure 3-426M1cuCassett e 3Cassett e 4PS2cuPS4cuPS1cuCL1cuCL2cuPS3cuPick-up rollerCasette 3 size detectionCasette 4 size detectionPick-up rollerVertical path rollerPick-up clutchPick-up clutchTo CopierCassette drive PCBCassette 3 size detection signalCassette 4 size detection signalCassette 3 paper detection signal (C3PD*)Cassette 4 paper detection signal (C4PD*)Cassette 3 vertical path detection signal(C3VPD)Cassette 4 vertical path detection signal(C4VPD)Cassette 3 pick-up clutch drive signal (C3PUCLD*)Cassette 4 pick-up clutch drive signal (C4PUCLD*)Cassette feeding unit motor drivesignal (CMD)DC controller PCBCassetteunit motor