GENERAL DESCRIPTIONCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 1–33B. Cleaning the Static ChargeEliminator1) Open the front door.• Remove any originals that have been placedon top of the copier so that they do not fall offwhen you open the main unit.2) Lift the green lever on the left side to open thetop of the main unit.3) With two fingers, grip the finger grip located onthe front part of the static charge eliminator.Lift and pull out the static charge eliminator fromthe copier.Note:Do not touch the purple coloured surface of thedrum; doing so will adversely affect the copyquality.Figure1-5384) Using the static charge eliminator cleaning brush(attached to the back side of the front door),sweep clean the slot on the static chargeeliminator.• The static charge eliminator cleaning brush isvery small and easy to lose, so it isrecommended that you return it to its storagelocation on the back side of the front door afteryou have finished cleaning the slot on thestatic charge eliminator.Figure1-539Figure1-5405) With two fingers grip the finger grip of the staticcharge eliminator.Insert the static charge eliminator back into thecopier until you hear a click.Note:Be careful not to touch the purple-colored surfaceon the drum of the main unit as doing so willprevent clear copies from being made.Figure1-5416) Securely close the top of the main unit.• You cannot close the front door until the mainunit is closed.7) Securely close the front door.• If the Sorter or Stapler Sorter (options) isattached, after closing the main unit, return itto its original position.• You cannot operate the copier if the front dooris open.DrumCleaning brush