3–57OPERATIONS AND TIMINGCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)IV. PICK-UP/FEEDINGSYSTEMA. Pick-Up from the Machine1. OutlineWhen the pick-up clutch (CL2, CL3, or CL5)turns ON while the main motor is rotating, theappropriate pick-up roller rotates to pick up paper.The paper is then forwarded to the registration rollerby way of the vertical path roller if it is from thecassette or directly if it is from the manual feedingtray.Copy paper is controlled by the registrationroller so that its leading edge matches the image onthe photosensitive drum, and it is moved throughthe transfer, separation, feeding, fixing, and deliv-ery assembly to reach the copy tray.The delivery roller is driven by the special deliv-ery motor (M6). The set-back roller in the duplexingunit is also driven by the special duplexing motor(M7). Other motors are driven by the main motor(M1).When two-sided or overlay copying is selected,the paper first moves through the fixing assemblyand then through the duplexing unit before it reachesthe registration roller once again. The paper path isprovided with the following photointerrupters, andthe machine identifies a jam if copy paper fails toreach or move past specific sensors within specificperiods of time:• Registration roller paper sensor• Separation paper sensor• Delivery paper sensor• Vertical path roller 1 paper sensor• Vertical path roller 2 paper sensor• Duplexing unit outlet paper sensor• Duplexing unit inlet paper sensor• Duplexing unit pre-registration paper sensorIn addition, the cassette is provided withphotointerrupters (PS4, PS13) and the multifeederis equipped with yet another photointerrupter (PS5).