3–82OPERATIONS AND TIMINGCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)G. Multifeeder1. OutlineThe multifeeder is a mechanism which picks uppaper from its tray and which is capable of continuouspick-up operation.The copy paper on the tray is detected by themultifeeder paper sensor (PS5).The copy paper on the tray is forced against thepick-up roller by the paper guide plate; the pick-uproller starts to rotate when it receives drive from themain motor (M1) through a clutch.The pick-up roller and the separation pad serveto make sure that no more than a single sheet ofcopy paper is sent to the registration roller.The above series of operations is executed foreach pick-up.M1PS5PS6Multifeeder pick-upclutchMultifeeder paper sensorPaper sensor leverPaper guide plateMultifeeder trayPaper guide plate camPhotosensitivedrumRegistrationrollerMultifeeder pick-upsolenoidRegistration rollerpaper sensorSeparation padSL2SpringclutchCL3Main motorFigure 3-438