ToolsXerox ® WorkCentre® 5022/5024 Multifunction PrinterUser Guide9-28IPv4Sets IPv4.IPv6Sets IPv6.Get IP Address Sets the method used to acquire the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address.• DHCPAutomatically acquires the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address from theDHCP server.• BOOTPAutomatically acquires the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address from theBOOTP server.• RARPAutomatically acquires the IP address from the RARP server.• DHCP/AutoNetAutomatically acquires the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address from theDHCP server.If communication with the DHCP server fails, the AutoIP function is activated toallocate an IP address ( If communication with the DHCP server islater re-established, the settings are reacquired from the DHCP server.• Control PanelThe setting used to set the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway addressmanually.IP Address When Get IP Address is set to Control Panel, the IP address is set by manual input fromthe numeric keypad.Note: Enter the IP address in the format, where each 'xxx' is a valuebetween 0 and 255.Subnet Mask When Get IP Address is set to Control Panel, the subnet mask is set by manual inputfrom the numeric keypad.Note: Enter the subnet mask in the format, where each 'xxx' is a valuebetween 0 and 255.Gateway Address When Get IP Address is set to Control Panel, the gateway address is set by manualinput from the numeric keypad.Note: Enter the gateway address in the format, where each 'xxx' is avalue between 0 and 255.Set IPv6 Sets whether to use IPv6.You can select Disable or Enable.Disable is set at the time of factory shipment.IP Address Use the numeric keypad to enter the IP address.