E6581595M-11313. Before making a service call- Trip information and remedies13.1 Trip causes/warnings and remediesWhen a problem arises, diagnose it in accordance with the following table.If it is found that replacement of parts is required or the problem cannot be solved by any remedy described in thetable, contact your Toshiba dealer.[Trip information]Error code Failure code Problem Possible causes Remedies 0001 Overcurrent duringacceleration• The acceleration time is too short.• The V/F setting is improper.• A restart signal is imput to the rotatingmotor after a momentary stop, etc.• A special motor (e.g. motor with a smallimpedance) is used.• Increase the acceleration time .• Check the V/F parameter.• Use (auto-restart) and (ride-through control).• Adjust the carrier frequency .• Set the carrier frequency control modeselection parameter f316 to 1 (carrierfrequency decreased automatically). 0002 Overcurrent duringdeceleration• The deceleration time is too short. • Increase the deceleration time .• Set the carrier frequency control modeselection parameter f316 to 1 (carrierfrequency decreased automatically). 0003 Overcurrent duringconstant speedoperation• The load fluctuates abruptly.• The load is in an abnormal condition.• Reduce the load fluctuation.• Check the load (operated machine).• Set the carrier frequency control modeselection parameter f316 to 1 (carrierfrequency decreased automatically). 0004 Overcurrent (Anovercurrent on theload side at start-up)• The insulation of the output main circuit ormotor is defective.• The motor has too small impedance.• Check the cables and wires for defectiveinsulation. 0005 Arm overcurrent atstart-up• A main circuit elements is defective. • Make a service call.* 0008 Input phase failure • A phase failure occured in the input line ofthe main circuit.• The capacitor in the main circuit lackscapacitance.• Check the main circuit input line for phasefailure.• Enable (input phase failuredetection).• Check the capacitor in the main circuit forexhaustion.*0009 Output phase failure • A phase failure occurred in the output lineof the main circuit.• Check the main circuit output line, motor,etc. for phase failure.• Enable (Output phase failuredetection).* You can select a trip ON/OFF by parameters.(Continued overleaf)efesotomasyon.com -Toshiba inverter,drive,servo,plc