E6581595F-506Title Function Adjustment range Default setting Small current detection hysteresis 1-20 (%) 10 Small current trip/alarm selection 0: Alarm only1: Tripping 0 Small current detection current 0-150 (%) / (A) 0 Small current detection time 0-255 [sec] 0Output terminal function: 26 (UC) Low current detectionf610 = 0 (Alarm only)Time [sec]+Output current (%)Low currentsignal output or less ONOFF OFF* When setting f610 to 1 (Trip), trip after low current detection time setting of f612. After tripping,the low current signal remains ON.6.16.8 Detection of output short-circuit : Detection of output short-circuit at start-up• FunctionThis parameter detects inverter output short-circuit. It can be usually detected in the length of thestandard pulse. When operating low-impedance motor such as high-speed motor, however, select theshort-time pulse.=: Detection is executed in the length of the standard pulse every time you start up the inverter.=: Detection is executed in the length of standard pulse only during the first start-up after putting onthe power or after resetting.=: Detection is executed with the short-time pulse every time you start up the inverter.=: Detection is executed with the short-time pulse only for the first time after putting power on orafter resetting.efesotomasyon.com -Toshiba inverter,drive,servo,plc