USO RESTRITOOverview 81Chapter 4 KeysNotesThis function uses the resizer, and therefore the normaleffect of the setting is not obtained while using DME wipeor other effect that uses the resizer.When the box generator is selected, a mask using arectangular signal is formed.When the pattern generator is selected, you can select thepattern and apply modifiers.Edge fillWhen a border, drop border, or shadow modifier isselected, you can select a signal to fill these edge effects(“edge fill”).The signal from the dedicated color matte generator is usedfor the edge fill.In the case of an outline, there is no edge fill signalselection, because the key fill signal fills the outline, andthe rest of the image remains as the background.For the emboss effect, in place of the edge fill signal, theemboss fill matte 1 and emboss fill matte 2 signals areused.MasksA mask uses the background or a key to hide a part of theimage. If unwanted holes occur in the background, or if akey is not the desired shape, you can correct the problemwith a mask.For details about masking operations, 1 “Mask” (p. 91).Key mask and background maskThere are two types of mask: a key mask and a backgroundmask.Key mask: This masks out a part of the key, which willresult in the background appearing.Background mask: This masks out a part of thebackground, which will result in the key fill appearing.Key maskMaskedarea (box)Key MemoryThe key memory function allows the keyer settings oneach cross-point button to be automatically stored, so thatthe next time the same cross-point button is selected thesesettings are recalled automatically.There are two modes for key memory: simple mode andfull mode.The parameters stored in each mode are as follows.Simple mode: Key type, clean mode (including the planesetting for chroma keying), key position, keyinversion, and adjustment values for the particular keytype(Clip, Gain, Density, Filter, etc. This includescolor vector key, key wipe pattern key, and chromakey.However, in the case of a chroma key, it excludescolor cancel, Y balance, foreground CCR, andwindow.)Full mode: All settings except transition (the sameparameters as simple mode, fine key, key modifiers,mask settings, chroma key detailed settings, etc.)For details about settings for these modes, 1 “Selectingthe key memory mode” (p. 357).Key DefaultWith a simple operation, you can return the key adjustmentvalues to their defaults.The adjustment values that can be returned to their defaultvalues are as follows.• Adjustment values for the particular key type (Clip,Gain, Density, Filter, etc.)In the case of chroma keying, all adjustment valuesreturn to their default values.• Key position• Key inversion• Clean modeFor details about the method of operation, 1 “ReturningParameters to Default Values” (p. 51).Background maskThe signal from the dedicated box generator provided oneach keyer, or the signal from the dedicated patterngenerator, is used as the mask source.