USO RESTRITO124 DME Wipe Pattern Operations in the Flexi PadNo. Parameter Adjustment1 W Border width2 L Luminance3 S Saturation4 H HueNo. Parameter Adjustment1 H Horizontal position2 V Vertical position3 H (R) Relative movement in the horizontaldirectionChapter 6 DME WipesYou can also select two channels by pressing the buttonssimultaneously.NotesThe [2ND CH] button cannot be selected on the MVS-3000.Selecting the DME Wipe PatternThe operation of selecting the DME wipe pattern in theFlexi Pad is the same as the operation of selecting a wipepattern (1 p. 108), except for pressing the [DME WIPE]button to select DME wipe snapshot mode.Note, however, that the pattern numbers for DME wipepatterns have four digits (1 p. 381).DME wipe pattern edge setting buttonsBDR (border): Applies a border to the DME wipe pattern.SOFT BDR (soft border): Softens the applied border.You can adjust the parameters selected with these buttonsusing the adjustment knobs, when the button is lit green.When border is selectedWhen soft border is selectedEditing the DME Wipe PatternBy pressing the [EDIT ENBL] button to switch thememory recall section to editing mode, you can edit theselected DME wipe pattern.To exit from the editing mode, press the [EDIT ENBL]button again, or press the [EXIT] button.The operation of the following buttons is the same as whenediting a wipe pattern.• [EXIT] button• [PTN LIMT], [LIMT SET] buttons• [NORM], [NORM/REV], [REV] buttons• [KNOB 1/2] buttonFor details about each button operation, 1 “Editing theWipe Pattern” (p. 109).Channel selection buttons1ST CH (channel 1): Selects channel 1.2ND CH (channel 2): Selects channel 2.Parameter group [1/2]No. Parameter Adjustment1 W Border width2 I Border inner softnessParameter group [2/2]No. Parameter Adjustment1 L Luminance2 S Saturation3 H HueButtons for positioning the DME wipepatternPOS (positioner): Adjusts the position of the DME wipepattern.CNTR (center): Returns the DME wipe pattern positionto the center.When you press the [POS] button, the alphanumericdisplay first shows the name of the parameter, “H” or “V,”and then the value of the parameter.When the [POS] button is lit green, you can adjust theposition of the pattern with the adjustment knobs.