USO RESTRITO408 Menus of Disabled Operations and SettingsAppendixMenu Disabled operation/settingNumber Path7333.5 Engineering Setup >Switcher>Output >4:3 CropOutput 17 to 32 settings7333.10 Engineering Setup >Switcher>Output >Multi Viewer >Source/Output Assign• When setting the [Src No] parameter: M/E-2 signal, Primary 33 to 48signal selection• When setting the [Output No] parameter: Output 17 to 32 selection7333.11 Engineering Setup >Switcher>Output >FC Output SelectOutput 17 to 32 selection7333.12 Engineering Setup >Switcher>Output >Aux MixOutput 17 to 24 settings7334 Engineering Setup >Switcher>TransitionM/E-2 settings7334.1 Engineering Setup >Switcher>Transition >Preset Color Mix• M/E-2 settings• [Key5] to [Key8] selection7334.2 Engineering Setup >Switcher>Transition >Transition CurveM/E-2 settings7335 Engineering Setup >Switcher >Key/Wipe/FM/CCRM/E-2 settings7335.1 Engineering Setup >Switcher >Key/Wipe/FM/CCR >Show Key[M/E2 PVW] settings7336.2 Engineering Setup >Switcher >Link>Internal Bus Link >Link Bus Select• Selection of items related to M/E-2• Selection of items related to P/P Key5 to 87336.5 Engineering Setup >Switcher >Link>GPI Link >GPI Link Adjust• M/E-2 Auto Trans, M/E-2 Cut selection on video/button display• M/E-2 bus settings on bus display7336.6 Engineering Setup >Switcher >Link>M/E LinkM/E-2 selection7336.7 Engineering Setup >Switcher >Link>Key Transition Link• Selection of items related to M/E-2• Selection of items related to P/P Key5 to 87337.2 Engineering Setup >Switcher>Device Interface >GPI Input• [M/E-2] selection• Selection of following items on [P/P] (x=5 to 8):DSKx Cut, DSKx Auto Trans, DSKx SS ? Recall7337.4 Engineering Setup >Switcher>Device Interface >GPI Output• [M/E-2] selection• Selection of following items when Trigger Type is not set to Status in[P/P] (x=5 to 8): DSKx Cut, DSKx Auto Trans, DSKx SS ? Recall• Selection of following items when Trigger Type is set to Status in [P/P](x=5 to 8): DSKx OnDisabled Menus (MVS-3000)The following menus display functions and items that arenot supported by the MVS-3000. These are disabled, evenif the item is selected or a value specified, and do not affectdevice operation.Menu Disabled operation/settingNumber Path1115 M/E-1 >Key1 >Processed Key/Resizera)b) [DME1], [DME2], [Override] settings1115.1 M/E-1 >Key1 >Processed Key/Resizer >Monitora)b) All menu operations1116.4 M/E-1 >Key1 >Transition >DME WipeAdjust >1ch Pattern Selecta)Selection of unsupported patternsc)