USO RESTRITO80 OverviewType Description ImageEmboss This applies anembossing effect tothe outline of the key.You can adjust thewidth and position ofthe embossing and thedensity. You can adjustthe density separatelyfor key fill and keyedge. Whenembossing is on, theFine Key and zabtonfunctions turn off.–SoftedgeThis softens the edgeof the key.–Zabton This inserts atranslucent patternbehind a key. You canadjust the pattern size,softness, density andcolor.–Type Description ImageNormal This is the state withno key edge modifiersapplied.Border This applies a uniformwidth border to theedge of the key. Youcan adjust the borderwidth and density. Youcan also enable theseparate edgefunction, and adjustthe top, bottom, left,and right borderwidths separately.DropborderThis applies a borderbelow and to the rightof the key, forexample. You canadjust the borderwidth, position, anddensity.Shadow This applies a shadowbelow and to the rightof the key, forexample. You canadjust the shadowwidth, position, anddensity.Outline This uses the outlineof the original key asthe key. You can adjustthe width and densityof the outline. You canalso enable theseparate edgefunction, and adjustthe top, bottom, left,and right outlinewidths separately.Chapter 4 KeysKey ModifiersEdge modifiersYou can apply borders and other modifiers to the edge ofthe key image (1 p. 88).NotesKey edge functions can only be used for keys 1 and 2(DSK1 and DSK2 for the PGM/PST bank).Edge type and key fill/key source positionThe key edge modification function has two modes: amode (“key drop ON mode”) in which the key fill/keysource position moves downward, and a mode (“key dropOFF mode”) in which it does not move.Key drop ON mode: The key fill/key source positionmoves downward by eight scan lines or four scan lines.When a drop border or shadow is selected, it ispossible to apply a border to the top edge of the key.Key drop OFF mode: The key fill/key source positiondoes not move. When a drop border or shadow isselected, it is not possible to apply a border to the topedge of the key.In the key drop ON mode, a menu setting selects betweenthe mode (“4H mode”) in which the key fill/key sourceposition is lowered by four scan lines, and the mode (“8Hmode”) in which the key fill/key source position is loweredby eight scan lines.When Fine Key is on, the edge width is forced to the range0.00 to 4.00.Note that in the following situations, the key drop mode isforcibly turned on.• When the edge type is border, outline, or emboss• When the edge type is normal with soft edge being on• When fine key is onTo fix key fill / key source in key drop OFF modeSwitch frame delay mode on.Regardless of the fine key and edge type settings, key filland key source are fixed in key drop off mode. In this modekey image has a one-frame delay.