USO RESTRITOTransition Preview 73Chapter 3 Signal Selection and Transitions[Non Sync] indicator[Sync] indicator• Even in a non-sync state, you can carry out autotransitions. If you execute an auto transition by pressingthe [AUTO TRANS] button, the indicators show thetransition progress in the usual way, but when thetransition completes, they once again indicate the non-sync state.Fader Lever Operation in Bus FixedModeFlip-flop mode and bus fixed modeThe following describes the difference between flip-flopmode and bus fixed mode, taking an M/E bank as anexample; the functionality is the same, however, on thePGM/PST bank.Normally, when a background transition is carried out onthe M/E bank, the signals selected on the A and B rows ofthe cross-point buttons are interchanged at the end of thetransition. That is to say, except during a transition, thebackground output is always from the background A bus.This is called “flip-flop mode.”The alternative is known as “bus fixed mode,” in whichthere is no bus interchange. In this mode, when the faderlever is at the top of its travel the output from the A bus isalways 100%, and when the fader lever is at the bottom ofits travel the output from the B bus is 100%.In the bus fixed mode there is a fixed relationship betweenthe position of the fader lever and the signal output onbackground A bus and B bus. Depending on the directionof the transition, the fader lever must therefore always bemoved in a particular direction, as shown in the followingtable. This does not affect an auto transition, which isexecuted regardless of the fader lever direction.Next transition TransitiondirectionFader levermovementBackground A t B DownwardB t A UpwardKeys 1 to 4 On t Off(delete)DownwardOff t On(insert)Upward• When a transition applies to a combination of more thanone of the background and keys, then the transition forall of these must be in the same direction complying withthe above table.• If as a result of an auto transition, for example, the faderlever position does not agree with the signal output, thisis a non-sync state (1 p. 72) and the [Non Sync]indicator will appear.Transition PreviewWith the preview output of the M/E bank and PGM/PSTbank, you can check the effect of a transition in advance.To carry out a transition preview, press the [TRANSPVW] button in the transition control block to enabletransition preview mode.NotesIt is not possible to carry out a transition preview duringthe following.• Transitions in progress• Multi-program mode• Bus fixed modeLit buttonsFader leverFlip-flop modeBus fixed modeCarrying out a transition preview1 In the transition control block of a switcher bank, pressthe [TRANS PVW] button.The [TRANS PVW] button lights green, and theswitcher is now in the transition preview mode. At thispoint, the preview output is the same as the programoutput before the [TRANS PVW] button was pressed.