9Major operating controls and their functionsq Status indicatorsERROR: Blinks when an error that can become aproblem for the recorder to run the systemoccurs.Blinks red: System errorBlinks orange: Thermal error, cooling fan mal-function, etc.ALARM: Blinks when an alarm occurs, and lightswhen the alarm output stops. The blinking orlighting indicator will go off when the [ALARMRESET] button is pressed.ALARM SUSPEND: Lights when the alarm sus-pension mode is selected. (☞ Pages 58 and102)TIMER: Lights when a schedule is set, and blinkswhile the schedule recording is being per-formed.OPERATE: Lights when the power is on.w Alarm reset button [ALARM RESET]Press this button to reset the alarm.e Camera selection buttonsPress the desired camera selection buttons to dis-play images from the respective cameras. Thecamera selection buttons indicate the status ofthe respective cameras as follows.Lights green: Indicates the camera channelfrom which images are currently being dis-played on a monitorLights orange: Indicates the camera channelof which images are currently being record-edr Recording/Playback operation buttons[■ STOP] button: Press this button to stop play-back.[B PLAY h PAUSE] button: Press this button tostart playback. Playback will be paused bypressing this button during playback. (Duringplayback: Lights green, During pausing: Blinksgreen)[● REC] button: Starts manual recording.Recording will stop by holding down this but-ton for 2 seconds or more during the manualrecording. (During recording: Lights orange)t Jog dial (inside)/Shuttle ring (outside)Jog dial: The following functions are provided.• Frame by frame playback (forward/reverse)can be performed during pausing.• Skip can be performed during playback.Front view4321876512110/10916151413STOPMOUSEDigital Disk Recorder WJ-HD616REV FWDGO TO LASTSUBMENU SET HOLDGO TO DATE SEARCH COPYSETUP /ESCPAUSEPLAY REC REC STOPMONITORSEQOSDMULTI SCREENERRORTIMERSTS A/FHDD 1HDD 2HDD 3HDD 4OPERATEALARMALARMRESETALARMSUSPENDuMOUSEMAINTENANCEMOUSEMAINTENANCESTS A/F STS A/F STS A/F STS A/FSDHC/SD memorycard slotVIDEO OUTAUDIO OUTqi o !1 !2 !3!0w e r t y!5!4