48Search for copied recorded images and play (copy datasearch)Display a list of copied data (copied recorded images) on an SDHC/SD memory card or a DVD, and then selecta desired recorded image to play from the list.It is possible to search for copied data using the filters. Available filters are "Time & date" and "Ch". Refer topage 59 for how to copy recorded images.Copied data list window[Filtering] buttonDisplays the search filter window on which the searchfilters can be specified.[Select Medium] buttonDisplays the disk selection window on which a media(HDD, SDHC/SD memory card, DVD) subject to playcan be selected.Time & dateDisplays the start time and date of the copied data(time and date when copying started) will be dis-played.ChDisplays the camera channel used for recording (ofwhich copied recorded images). Playback of imagesrecorded using the displayed camera channel willstart on a 1-screen.EventDisplays the event type. Refer to page 8 for furtherinformation about the event type.Number of the listed dataDisplays a time and date range of the listed data.Number of the listed data (Total)Displays the total number of listed copied data. Whenmore than 10 000 data matched, the ">10000" indi-cation will be displayed.[Prev page] buttonDisplays the previous page.[Next page] buttonDisplays the next page.[B] (play) buttonStarts playback of recorded images of the selectedcopied data.