124TroubleshootingBefore asking for repairs, check the symptoms with the following table.Contact your dealer if a problem cannot be solved even after checking and trying the solution in the table or aproblem is not described below.Symptom Cause/solution ReferencepagesCannot access from thebrowser.• Is the Ethernet cable firmly connected to the 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX port?Confirm the cable is firmly connected._• Is the connection indicator of the 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX port lit?When it is not lit, connection to a LAN is not establishedor a network is not working correctly.Confirm that the connection indicator of the 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX port is lit. Refer to the system adminis-trator if it is not lit._• Is the valid IP address set?Refer to a system administrator for further informationabout the settings.InstallationGuide• Are you accessing the wrong IP address?Check the connection as follows:>ping "IP address of this recorder"If there is reply from the recorder, the connection is nor-mal. If not, check the settings of the IP address and thesubnet mask._• Is the same IP address provided to other devices?Refer to a system administrator for further informationabout the settings.InstallationGuide• Are there contradictions between the address and thenetwork subnet to be accessed?When the recorder and the client (PC) are on the samesubnet, is the same subnet set for the IP addresses ofthe recorder and the PC?Or is "Use Proxy Server" for the settings of the browserchecked?When accessing the recorder in the same subnet, enter-ing the address of the recorder in the "Don't Use ProxyFor These Addresses" box is recommended.InstallationGuide