83[PAUSE] buttonPlayback will be paused when this button is clickedduring playback. Playback will resume when this but-ton is clicked during pausing.[STOP] buttonStops playback and displays live images.[NEXT IMAGE] buttonThe next/previous frame will be displayed when thisbutton is clicked during pausing.[PREV. IMAGE] buttonThe previous frame will be displayed when this buttonis clicked during pausing.[Go to last] buttonClick this button to skip to a point that is the starttime of the latest recorded image using the camerachannel currently being displayed and start playback.[Go to date] buttonThe "Go to date" window will be displayed by clickingthis button. It is possible to designate the desiredtime and date from when playback of recorded imag-es is to start. (☞ Page 92)[Rec] boxThe recording button and the recording stop buttonwill be displayed when the button is clicked.The recording button and the recording stop buttonwill be hidden when the button is clicked.(Recording button): Starts manual recording.(Re cording stop button): Stops manual record-ing.Note:• To display the recording button and the recordingstop button, hold down the button until theyappear.[CAM] tab[Zoom] buttonsZooming can be adjusted by clicking the [–] button(wide) or the [+] button (tele).Note:• It is possible to adjust zooming using the mousewheel.[Focus] buttonsFocusing can be adjusted by clicking the [Near] but-ton or the [Far] button. The auto focus function canbe performed by clicking the [Auto] button.Control pad/buttonsClicking the buttons around the control pad can move(pan/tilt) a camera in the clicked direction.Clicking inside the control pad also can adjust thevertical/horizontal position (pan/tilt) of the displayedlive images. Panning/tilting speed will become fasterif a clicked point gets farther from the center point ofthe control pad.Note:• Clicking on the screen can move (pan/tilt) a cam-era to the clicked direction.