58Suspend the alarm actionConfigure the settings to not to perform the alarm action even when an event occurs.It is useful to suspend the alarm action for a certain period such as when configuring the settings of the record-er.However, recording, filing of event logs, preset position function and alarm occurrence indication (on monitor)will be performed even though the alarm action is being suspended.Step 1Press the [ALARM RESET] button and the [SET] but-ton on the front panel simultaneously.→ The alarm action will be suspended. The alarmsuspension indicator will light.Step 2To cancel the alarm suspension, press the [ALARMRESET] button and the [SET] button simultaneouslyagain.→ The alarm suspension will be canceled and thealarm suspension indicator will go off.Important:• It is impossible to suspend alarm actions usingthe mouse.Note:• It is possible to disable the alarm actions by con-necting an external switch to the ALARM/CONTROL connector (pin no. 22: alarm suspen-sion input terminal) on the rear of the recorder.When turning on the external switch, the alarmaction will be suspended. To cancel the alarmsuspension, turn off the external switch.Cancel the error actionWhen an error (trouble) occurred on the recorder, the recorder will take the error action. To cancel the erroraction, press the [ALARM RESET] button on the front panel or click the error icon on the status bar displayedon monitor 2.Note:• Depending on the error type, the error indication by the status indicator on the front panel will not go offeven when canceling the error action.