102Step 1Click the [ALM] button displayed in the status displayarea.→ The alarm action will be canceled.Note:• When the alarm action is canceled, the eventrecording will stop and return to the operationalstatus just before the event occurred.• The emergency recording will not stop by clickingthe [ALM] button when the emergency recordingis being performed. It will stop only when"Continue" is selected for "Recording duration" onthe "Emergency rec." page.Cancel the alarm actionThe recorder will take an alarm action according to the settings configured in advance when an event occurs inthe alarm mode (ALM). To manually cancel the alarm action, perform the following operation.Suspend the alarm actionConfigure the settings to not to perform the alarm action even when an event occurs. It is useful to suspend thealarm action at an event occurrence such when maintaining the recorder for a certain period. However, record-ing, filing of event logs, preset action and displaying of the [ALM] button will be performed even though thealarm action is being suspended.Step 1Display the operation window.Step 2Click the [ALARM SUSPEND] button.The [ALARM SUSPEND] indicator will light and thealarm action will be suspended.Step 3Click the [ALARM SUSPEND] button.The [ALARM SUSPEND] indicator will go off and thesuspended alarm action will be released.