2.3.3 Password SecurityDescriptionTo maintain system security, system passwords are required to access certain programming functions of thePBX. By giving different users access to different passwords, it is possible to control the amount ofprogramming that each user is able to perform.The following types of system passwords are available:Password Description FormatPT System Password(PT) for UserUsed to access user-level PT programming. The specificPT programming items that may be programmed at userlevel can be selected through system programming item.4 – 10digitsSystem Password(PT) forAdministratorUsed to access administrator-level PT programming. All PTprogramming settings are available.PC System Password(PC) for UserUsed with the user-level programmer code to accessuser-level PC programming. The installer can specifywhich system programming settings are available.4 – 10charactersSystem Password(PC) forAdministratorUsed with the administrator-level programmer code toaccess administrator-level PC programming. The installercan specify which system programming settings areavailable.System Password(PC) for InstallerUsed with the installer-level programmer code to accessinstaller-level PC programming. All system programmingsettings are available.The three programmer codes used for PC programming can be set through Maintenance Console. For moreinformation about programmer codes, refer to the On-line Help of the Maintenance Console. The requiredformat of each code is as follows:Item LengthUser Level Programmer Code 0 – 16 charactersAdministrator Level Programmer Code 4 – 16 charactersInstaller Level Programmer Code 4 – 16 charactersCAUTIONTo the Administrator or Installer regarding the system password1. Please provide all system passwords to the customer.2. To avoid unauthorised access and possible abuse of the PBX, keep the passwords secret, and informthe customer of the importance of the passwords, and the possible dangers if they become known toothers.3. The PBX has default passwords preset. For security, change these passwords the first time that youprogramme the PBX.4. Change the passwords periodically.5. It is strongly recommended that passwords of 10 numbers or characters be used for maximumprotection against unauthorised access. For a list of numbers and characters that can be used in systempasswords, refer to the On-line Help of the Maintenance Console.Feature Guide 3492.3.3 Password Security