Call Forwarding (CF)—by ISDN (P-MP)DescriptionAn extension user can forward the incoming ISDN call to another outside party using the ISDN service of thetelephone company, instead of the PBX feature, when the call is received through an ISDN line.Extension users can set the forward destination to the network on an MSN basis. The setting must have beendone beforehand to use this feature. There are the following types:Type DescriptionCall Forwarding—Unconditional (CFU)Incoming calls are forwarded unconditionally.Call Forwarding—Busy (CFB) An incoming call is forwarded when the destination in the PBX isbusy.Call Forwarding—No Reply(CFNR)An incoming call is forwarded when the destination in the PBX doesnot answer within a preprogrammed time period.When the CFB or CFNR has been set, the network determines to forward the incoming call to thepreprogrammed destination after the call reached the PBX once. When the CFU has been set, the networkforwards the call directly to the preprogrammed destination.[Example]MSN: 123-4567987-6543Outside Party(01-23-4567)Outside PartyOutside CallerExtn. 1011Dials "123-4567".(MSN: 123-4567Forward Destinationof Trunk Calls: 01-23-4567)(01-23-4567)ISDN by ISDN (P-MP)>PBXOutside CallerExtn. 1011Dials "123-4567".ISDNMSN:123-4567CFUDestination: 01-23-4567PBXConditions• This feature complies with the following European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) specification:– ETS 300 207 Diversion supplementary service.• The availability of this feature is dependent on the contract with the telephone company.214 Feature Guide1.21.1 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)