1.30.4 QSIG Standard Features1.30.4.1 QSIG Standard Features—SUMMARYDescriptionQSIG is a protocol which is based on ISDN (Q.931) and offers enhanced PBX features in a private network.The QSIG network supports private communications by the TIE line service method.The following features are available for an ISDN-QSIG or private IP network. For ISDN, system programmingis required to specify whether each feature (excluding Calling Line Identification Presentation [CLIP]) isavailable for each port of the private network.[Service Table]Service Description & ReferenceCalling Line IdentificationPresentation (CLIP)Sends the caller’s number to the QSIG network when making a call.® Calling/Connected Line Identification Presentation(CLIP/COLP) and Calling/Connected Name IdentificationPresentation (CNIP/CONP)—by QSIGConnected LineIdentification Presentation(COLP)Sends the number of the answered party to the QSIG network whenanswering a call.® Calling/Connected Line Identification Presentation(CLIP/COLP) and Calling/Connected Name IdentificationPresentation (CNIP/CONP)—by QSIGCalling Line IdentificationRestriction (CLIR)Prevents the caller’s CLI being presented to the called party by thecaller.® Calling/Connected Line Identification Presentation(CLIP/COLP) and Calling/Connected Name IdentificationPresentation (CNIP/CONP)—by QSIGConnected LineIdentification Restriction(COLR)Prevents COLP being sent by the answered party.® Calling/Connected Line Identification Presentation(CLIP/COLP) and Calling/Connected Name IdentificationPresentation (CNIP/CONP)—by QSIGCalling Name IdentificationPresentation (CNIP)Sends the caller’s name to the QSIG network when making a call.® Calling/Connected Line Identification Presentation(CLIP/COLP) and Calling/Connected Name IdentificationPresentation (CNIP/CONP)—by QSIGConnected NameIdentification Presentation(CONP)Sends the name of the answered party to the QSIG network whenanswering a call.® Calling/Connected Line Identification Presentation(CLIP/COLP) and Calling/Connected Name IdentificationPresentation (CNIP/CONP)—by QSIGFeature Guide 3031.30.4 QSIG Standard Features