1.26.3 Call Charge ServicesDescriptionThe PBX receives a call charge signal during or after a conversation with an outside party. The call chargeinformation is shown on the telephone display and SMDR.1. Call Charge Signal ServicesThe type of call charge service that is used by the PBX is decided by the type of signal received from thetelephone company. The type of call charge signal received from the telephone company depends on thetrunk of the outgoing call. The services for each available trunk type are as follows:Trunk ServiceAnalogue trunk Pay Tone*1ISDN line Advice of Charge (AOC) (® Advice of Charge (AOC))E1 line Meter Pulse*1 When the pay tone service is used, pay tone type (12 kHz/16 kHz) should be selected.2. Call Charge Display– Up to eight digits including a decimal (e.g., 12345.78)– The decimal point position (the number of significant decimal digits) for currency is programmable.– Up to three currency characters are programmable. (e.g., EUR or for Euro).– Through PC programming, you can select whether the currency characters or symbol are placed infront of or behind the call charge. (e.g., 45.12 or 45.12 )3. Margin/Tax Rate AssignmentIt is possible to add a margin and a tax to the call charges. The call charge rate per meter indication isprogrammable on a trunk group basis.[Calculation Method]The margin or tax rate must consist of four digits, two digits before and after the decimal (xx.xx%). Thecalculation method used by the PBX varies, depending on whether the telephone company sends the meterindication or the actual call charge.a. Call charge with tax and margin in meter indication:[Meter indication received from the telephone company] [Call Charge Rate] [1 Tax Rate][1 – Margin Rate]b. Call charge with tax and margin in charge:[Charge received from the telephone company] [1 Tax Rate][1 – Margin Rate]The calculation result is rounded up to the least significant decimal digit.4. Total Call Charge– A PT user can show the total call charges on the display.– The call charge is totalled on an extension, trunk, or verification code basis.– When a verification code is used, the call is charged on the verification code and not the extension thatthe call was made on.5. Budget ManagementIt is possible to limit telephone usage to a preprogrammed budget on each extension or verification code.For example, an extension in a rented office has a prepaid limit for telephone usage. If the amount of thecall charge reaches the limit, the extension user cannot make further trunk calls. An extension assignedas the manager may increase the limit or clear the previous call charge (® 1.9.2 Budget Management).Feature Guide 2631.26.3 Call Charge Services