4.3 Groups [3]Feature Guide 329InterceptGroup NameSpecifies the name of the CO line group for programming reference. As for the availablecharacters, refer to the character code table described in section 3.2.1 Installing and StartingKX-TAW848 Maintenance Console.Intercept Destination—Day, Lunch, Break, NightSpecifies the intercept routing destination of unanswered calls (whose original destination is afloating extension number of a PS Ring Group, VM Group, External Pager [TAFAS], or DISA)in each time mode.Host PBX Access CodeGroup NameSpecifies the name of the CO line group for programming reference. As for the availablecharacters, refer to the character code table described in section 3.2.1 Installing and StartingKX-TAW848 Maintenance Console.Default Not stored.Value Range Max. 20 charactersFeature Guide ReferencesFeature References• 2.2.2 GroupProgramming References• 4.9.1 CO Line Setting [9-1]Default Not stored.Value Range Max. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, [, ] [Secret], and P [Pause])Feature Guide ReferencesFeature References• Intercept Routing• 2.2.2 GroupProgramming References• 4.2.8 Time Service—Week Table [2-5-1]• 4.9.1 CO Line Setting [9-1]Default Not stored.Value Range Max. 20 charactersFeature Guide ReferencesFeature References• 2.2.2 GroupProgramming References• 4.9.1 CO Line Setting [9-1]