1.2 Receiving Group Features24 Feature Guide1.2 Receiving Group Features1.2.1 Idle Extension HuntingDescriptionIf a called extension is busy or in Do Not Disturb (DND) mode, Idle Extension Hunting redirectsthe call to an idle member of the same idle extension hunting group, which can be programmedthrough system programming ( Idle Extension Hunting Group Member [681]). Idleextensions are automatically searched for according to a preprogrammed hunting type ( IdleExtension Hunting Type [680]).This feature is also known as Station Hunting.Assignment order: Idle extensions are searched for in the order in which the extensions wereassigned as members of the group through system programming. For example, if a call isdirected to the fifth extension assigned to the group, hunting begins with the sixth extension.Conditions• Idle Extension Hunting applies to:Intercom, CO line, and doorphone calls made to a single extension.• An extension can belong to only one idle extension hunting group.• If all the searched extensions are busy:The PBX redirects the call to an overflow destination which can be assigned for each idleextension hunting group and each time mode.Type DescriptionCircular Hunting An idle extension is searched for in a circular fashion in the order inwhich the extensions were assigned to the group.Terminated Hunting An idle extension is searched for in the order in which the extensionswere assigned to the group, until reaching the last extension assigned.Extn.Incoming callBusyExtn. Extn. Extn.Assignment orderExtn.Incoming callBusyExtn. Extn. Extn.LastAssignment order