1.2 Receiving Group FeaturesFeature Guide Group Call DistributionDescriptionEach incoming call distribution (ICD) group has a specified number of extensions which canhandle calls at the same time. ( Maximum Number of Agents [632]) This allows you to devotesome of your staff to answering calls (call agents) while others carry on with their work. As callsare directed to the group, they are distributed to extensions using the desired distributionmethod until the preprogrammed number of agents are busy with calls. Once this number isexceeded, new calls to the group are placed in a queue ( Queuing Feature).1. Distribution MethodEach ICD group can use a different method of distributing calls to its member extensions( ICD Group Distribution Method [624]), described below.DistributionMethod DescriptionUniform CallDistribution(UCD)Available extensions are searched for in the order in which theywere assigned to the group, starting with the extension assignedafter the last extension to answer a call. Searching is circular, i.e.,if a call is answered by the last extension assigned to the group, thenext call will start searching for an available extension beginningwith the first extension.Priority Hunting Available extensions are searched for in the order in which theywere assigned to the group.Extn.AStarts searching fromextn. B. (Skips extn. A.)Receivedthe last call.Extn.BExtn.CExtn.DExtn.A1st Priority 2nd Priority 3rd Priority ...PriorityAlways searches beginning with thefirst extension assigned to the group.Extn.BExtn.CExtn.X