1.19 Voice Mail Features130 Feature Guide1.19 Voice Mail Features1.19.1 Voice Mail (VM) GroupDescriptionA Panasonic Voice Processing System (VPS) or similar product from another manufacturercan provide Voice Mail (VM) and Automated Attendant (AA) services when connected to thePBX.VM service allows callers to leave voice messages in the VM mailboxes of the desired party.AA service allows callers to dial a number and connect themselves to an extension by followingdirections provided by a voice prompt. ("Enter the extension number of the desired party...","Press 1 for Sales...", etc.)A VPS is connected to the APT, SLT, or hybrid ports of the PBX. The extension ports to whicha VPS is connected make up a VM group. A VM group has a floating extension number, whichallows the VPS to be set as the destination for incoming calls, or as the destination forredirected calls that are already being handled elsewhere in the PBX.The type of VPS and/or the type of cards installed in the VPS determine whether the VPS isconnected to the APT or hybrid ports of the PBX (DPT [Digital] Integration), or to the SLT ports(DTMF Integration).A Panasonic VPS which supports DPT (Digital) Integration should be connected to the APT orhybrid ports of the PBX. These ports make up a VM group referred to hereafter as a "VM (DPT)group". DPT (Digital) Integration provides for effortless connection and setup, convenienceswhich are unachievable with non-Panasonic VPSs and DTMF Integration.A non-Panasonic VPS can be connected to the SLT ports of the PBX. These ports make up aVM group referred to hereafter as a "VM (DTMF) group". Although DTMF Integration does notoffer the ease of use that DPT (Digital) Integration does, the features available through DTMFIntegration can satisfy many needs.VM Group Type Description System CapacityVM (DPT) Group A group of APT or hybrid portson the PBX connected to aPanasonic VPS whichsupports DPT (Digital)Integration.• One VM (DPT) group can beassigned to the PBX.• Up to 4 ports (8 voice channels)can form a VM (DPT) group.VM (DTMF) Group A group of SLT ports on thePBX connected to a VPS. ThePBX communicates with theVPS by sending DTMF tonesthrough these SLT ports.• Up to two VM (DTMF) groups canbe assigned to the PBX.• Up to 24 ports can form one VM(DTMF) group.