General Description 2-13STATUS LEDindication Description ProcedureOn (green) The server is operating normally. –Flashing(green)• The server is operating with thememory or CPU in degradedstate.• An uncorrectable memory errorhas often occurred.Identify the device in degraded stateby using the BIOS setup utility"SETUP," and replace it as soon aspossible.The power is off. –POST is in progress. Wait for a while. The STATUS LEDturns green when POST is completed.A CPU error occurred. (IERR)A CPU temperature alarm wasdetected.A timeout occurred when the timeset for the watchdog timer arrived.A CPU bus error occurred.Turn the power off and then turn it on.If the POST screen displays an errormessage, take notes of the message,and contact your sales representative.OffA memory dump request is made. Wait until the memory dump iscompleted.A temperature alarm was detected. Check if the internal fans are cleanand if the fan units are firmlyconnected.If the STATUS LED indication doesnot change when the fans are normal,contact your sales representative.A voltage alarm was detected.On (amber)The power supply units failed.Contact your sales representative.Flashing(amber)A fan alarm was detected. Check if the fan units are firmlyconnected.If the STATUS LED indication doesnot change when the fans are normal,contact your sales representative.A temperature warning wasdetected.Check if the internal fans are cleanand if the fan units are firmlyconnected.If the STATUS LED indication doesnot change when the fans are normal,contact your sales representative.A voltage warning was detected Contact your service representative.