54VOLUME CONTROL• Turning the Volume Control knob tothe right or left will respectively turnthe volume up or down.• Push the Mute button to mute all audiooutputs of the SDP-75.SOURCE SELECTIONThere are two methods to select sourcesfrom the front-panel on the SDP-75:• Turn the source selection knobto scroll through sources andpush the select button.•• Use one of the direct selectionbuttons to choose among thefirst four sources (also availableon the remote control).NOTE: With factorysettings, the last-usedsource is recalled on start-up.PRESET SELECTIONIn order to select a preset through thefront-panel menus:1. Push the Menu button, scroll until Presetsand push the Select button.2. Select the required preset using theSource Selection Knob and push theSelect button.Mute buttonVolume controlknob Source/itemselection knobBack buttonSelect buttonMenu buttonDirect selection