524 DAILY OPERATIONSThis chapter explains how to perform daily operations on the SDP-75 such as:Volume control / Source selection / Preset selection…These operations can be performed:Via the front panel / Via the IR remote control / Via the graphical user interface.4.1 AVAILABLE USER INTERFACESSimple daily operations on the SDP-75 can be performed:• On the front panel, by turning the Source/Item selection knob and pushing the Select button to scroll throughthe menus;• With the infrared remote control,• From your tablet or your computer, connected to the same network as the SDP-75:o with a VNC Client connected to the SDP-75 ‘s VNC Server,o with a web browser accessing the SDP-75’s web-based interface,• With a display, a mouse and a keyboard directly connected to the SDP-75’s back panel.NOTE:• For a detailed step-by-step explanation of how to connect with a VNC Client, please see thesubchapter First Network Connection to the SDP-75 in the Network Setup chapter.• Further details about the web interface are provided in the Introduction chapter of thisdocument.• For additional details about connecting a display, a mouse and a keyboard, please refer to theIntroduction chapter at the beginning of this document.