14117.2 TARGET CURVEPlease see the Setup Target Curves chapter.17.3 LIMITER CURVEUnlike the Maximum Boost/Attenuation parameters, the limiter curve allows to setup frequency-dependent maximumboosts and attenuations. This curve is not engaged by default.To define a specific limiter curve, go to Optimizer Settings/Settings/Limiter Curve:• Use the Add point mode and your mouse to create editing points around the required frequency range.• Use the Move point mode and your mouse to edit the limiter curve for the required frequency range.• Use the Delete point mode to delete editing points with your mouse.•IMPORTANT NOTE: Very steep curves should be avoided.NOTE: Editing the maximum boost and maximum attenuation limiter curve disables the globalMaximum Boost/Attenuation settings in the Optimizer Main Settings page.In the example above, the limiter curve will avoid too much attenuation below 100 Hz.Figure 103: example of a limiter curve for maximum boost/attenuation