10310.5 DECODERS SETTINGSThe different decoders’ settings given below are available through the graphic interface or through the front panel screen(see above).GENERAL SETTINGSThe General tab provides you different settings to configure the decoding behavior of the SDP-75 that does not directlyconcern the decoders.• Autoswitch format : When this option is activated, the SDP-75 willautomatically switch to the input format of the decoder. The SDP-75 virtuallyreplaces the speakers at their ideal position recommended by the curentdecoder and provides you the best immersive conditions.If this setting is not enabled, you must manually select a desired sourceformat in the Setup/Source menu of the Advanced interface.• Default PCM Up-mixer : The PCM format has no decoder, thus there is noassign speaker layout. This setting allows the assignment of a default layoutand up-mixer for incoming PCM content.