493 NETWORK STREAMING3.1 THE UPNP PROTOCOLThe SDP-75 network streamer feature is based on the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) set of networking protocols. Inthe UPnP/DLNA terminology, the SDP-75 is a UPnP Digital Media Rendering device and is used as slave equipment toplay media content sent through the network.The SDP-75 must be used with DLNA/UPnP compatible server and controller devices. The Media Server shares its medialibrary on the network with UPnP clients. The Media Controller is the master device, used to automatically detect serversand play files on slave devices as well as to control them.Provided that the server supports these formats, the SDP-75 can decode and play high-resolution 24 bit/192 kHz WAV,AIFF, FLAC and 16 bit/192 kHz OGG music files.3.2 UPNP NETWORK ARCHITECTUREThis architecture represents the most common and comfortable method to play media files in a domestic environment:• A Network-Attached Storage (NAS) or a computer is used as UPnP server and shares the media library.• The library is browsed from a Media Controller, installed on a tablet or smartphone.• The SDP-75 is selected as rendering device from the Media Controller.NOTE: Most NAS are UPnP compatible servers but any computer can be turned into a server providedthat a compatible UPnP server software is installed.Several applications can turn smartphone and tablets into media controllers or servers.UPnP Network with a Digital Media Controller