125To compute the optimization filtersfor your speaker measurements:• Go to the OptimizerSettings/Calibration page;• Press the Compute button tostart the calculation of thecompensation filters. This willalso create the Optimizergraphs.Figure 92: Computing the optimization filters after calibrationNOTE:• The top bar will display a gear wheel icon and a graph icon during computation.• An onscreen message notifies the end of the computation.• The speaker icon indicates that the Optimizer is ready.• Computation time varies depending on the number of speakers in the system and on theOptimizer parameters.IMPORTANT NOTE:• Once the speaker system has been calibrated, all changes will be applied by recalculating thefilters by pressing the Compute button.• Performing new measurements is not required unless:• Speakers/Furniture/listening positions change in the room;• the active crossover filters are modified;• The number of speakers is modified;• The channel order is modified.13.9 SAVE THE PRESETLast but not least, be sure to save the preset to make sure all your preferred measurements and computed filters are notlost.