14217.4 ADVANCED OPTIMIZATION SETTINGSIMPORTANT NOTE: Change these settings from the recommended settings only if you know whatyou’re doing. Random changes can lead to unexpected results.The SDP-75 provides a large set of advanced settings in the Optimizer Settings/Settings/Advanced Settings page:Figure 104: Advanced optimization settingsDISPLAYThe Display smoothing defines the smoothing value used to display the before and after Amplitude Response in theOptimizer Graphs as well as in the pdf document generated while saving preset. Its default value is (1/3 octave). A smallervalue, such as 1/12 octave, can be used to display more details in the frequency response.FRONT & SURROUND SPEAKER SETTINGSThe following features can be separately enabled/disabled for the front speakersand for the surround speakers:• Early reflections correction;• Energy response correction;• Delay alignment, e.g. surround delay alignment may or may not be requireddepending on the application and recommendations;• Add decorrelation: the Optimizer can apply a decorrelation algorithm to thesurround channels in order to simulate the diffuse field created by a belt ofsurround speakers;NOTE: Frontspeakers are defined asthose whose azimuth isbelow 90 degrees.Conversely, Surroundspeakers are defined asthose whose azimuth isabove 90 degrees.