36USING A MAC OS X COMPUTER WITH SCREEN SHARINGTo connect to the SDP-75’s VNC Server fromyour Mac OS X computer, you can use theintegrated Screen Sharing VNC client includedsince OS X version 10.5 (Leopard):1. Open the Finder application in yourMac OS X computer.2. Select the item Go > Network in theFinder’s menu. This will display theavailable VNC servers in yournetwork.3. Select (double-click) the server “VNCserver on SDP-XX”, where XX is thenumber of your SDP-75. This willdisplay the following window;4. Click on the Share Screen… button.This will display the Screen Sharinglogin panel;5. Enter the password, which is the six-digit serial number of your SDP-75:a. the password is 00000X, if the numberof your SDP-75’s VNC Server has asingle digit;b. the password is 0000XX if the numberof your SDP-75’s VNC Server has 2digits;c. the password is 000XXX if the numberof your SDP-75’s VNC Server has 3digits;d. etc.6. Click on the Connect button locatedin the lower left corner of the window.7. The graphic user interface of yourSDP-75 should now be visible on thescreen of your Mac.Figure 21: the Network page in Mac OS X's Finder