1-40Click Browse to bring up the file selection window, navigate to the private key file and click OK.5) From the window shown in Figure 1-27, click Open. If the connection is normal, you will beprompted to enter the username.When Switch Acts as Client for Password AuthenticationNetwork requirementsAs shown in Figure 1-28, establish an SSH connection between Switch A (SSH Client) and Switch B(SSH Server) for secure data exchange. The user name for login is client001 and the SSH server’s IPaddress is Password authentication is required.Network diagramFigure 1-28 Switch acts as client for password authenticationConfiguration procedurez Configure Switch B# Create a VLAN interface on the switch and assign an IP address, which the SSH client will use as thedestination for SSH connection. system-view[SwitchB] interface vlan-interface 1[SwitchB-Vlan-interface1] ip address[SwitchB-Vlan-interface1] quitGenerating the RSA and DSA key pairs on the server is prerequisite to SSH login.# Generate RSA and DSA key pairs.[SwitchB] public-key local create rsa[SwitchB] public-key local create dsa# Set the authentication mode for the user interfaces to AAA.[SwitchB] user-interface vty 0 4[SwitchB-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode scheme# Enable the user interfaces to support SSH.[SwitchB-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh[SwitchB-ui-vty0-4] quit# Create local user client001, and set the authentication password to abc, the login protocol to SSH,and user command privilege level to 3.