1-4You may assign an interface multiple IP addresses, one primary and multiple secondaries, to connectmultiple logical subnets on the same physical subnet.Follow these steps to configure an IP address for an interface:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view ––Enter interface view interface interface-typeinterface-number ––Assign an IP address to theInterfaceip address ip-address { mask |mask-length } [ sub ]RequiredNo IP address is assigned bydefault.z You can assign at most two IP addresses to an interface of the S5100-SI Series Ethernet Switches,one of which is the primary IP address and the other is the secondary IP address. The primary andsecondary IP addresses of an interface cannot reside on the same network segment. A VLANinterface cannot be configured with a secondary IP address if the interface has been configured toobtain an IP address through BOOTP or DHCP.z The S5100-EI series Ethernet switches do not support to specify a secondary IP address of aninterface.z A newly specified primary IP address overwrites the previous one if there is any.Displaying IP Addressing ConfigurationTo do… Use the command… RemarksDisplay information about aspecified or all Layer 3interfacesdisplay ip interface[ interface-typeinterface-number ]Display brief configurationinformation about a specified orall Layer 3 interfacesdisplay ip interface brief[ interface-type[ interface-number ] ]Available in any viewVLAN Interface IP Address Configuration ExamplesIP Address Configuration Example INetwork requirementAssign IP address with mask to VLAN-interface 1 of the switch.