2-16Operation Command DescriptionAdd a candidate device to theclusteradd-member[ member-number ]mac-address H-H-H[ password password ]OptionalRemove a member device fromthe clusterdelete-membermember-number OptionalReboot a specified memberdevicereboot member{ member-number |mac-address H-H-H }[ eraseflash ]OptionalReturn to system view quit —Return to user view quit —Switch between managementdevice and member devicecluster switch-to{ member-number |mac-address H-H-H |administrator }OptionalYou can use this commandswitch to the view of a memberdevice and switch back.Locate device through MACaddress and IP addresstracemac { by-macmac-address vlan vlan-id |by-ip ip-address } [ nondp ]OptionalThese commands can beexecuted in any view.Configuring the Enhanced Cluster FeaturesEnhanced cluster feature overview1) Cluster topology management functionAfter the cluster topology becomes stable, you can use the topology management commands on thecluster administrative device to save the topology of the current cluster as the standard topology andback up the standard topology on the Flash memory of the administrative device .When errors occur to the cluster topology, you can replace the current topology with the standardcluster topology and restore the administrative device using the backup topology on the Flash memory,so that the devices in the cluster can resume normal operation.With the display cluster current-topology command, the switch can display the topology of thecurrent cluster in a tree structure. The output formats include:z Display the tree structure three layers above or below the specified node.z Display the topology between two connected nodes.The topology information is saved as a topology.top file in the Flash memory to the administrativedevice. You cannot specify the file name manually.2) Cluster device blacklist function