1-8Table 1-5 Follow these steps to configure remote port mirroring on the destination switch:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Create a VLAN and enterVLAN view vlan vlan-id vlan-id is the ID of theremote-probe VLAN.Configure the current VLANas a remote-probe VLAN remote-probe vlan enable RequiredReturn to system view quit —Enter the view of theEthernet port connecting tothe source switch or anintermediate switchinterface interface-typeinterface-number —Configure the current portas trunk port port link-type trunkRequiredBy default, the porttype is Access.Configure trunk port topermit packets from theremote-probe VLANport trunk permit vlanremote-probe-vlan-id RequiredReturn to system view quit —Create a remote destinationmirroring groupmirroring-group group-idremote-destination RequiredConfigure the destinationport for the remotedestination mirroring groupmirroring-group group-idmonitor-port monitor-port RequiredConfigure the remote-probeVLAN for the remotedestination mirroring groupmirroring-group group-idremote-probe vlanremote-probe-vlan-idRequiredWhen configuring a destination switch, note that:z The destination port of remote port mirroring cannot be a member port of an existingmirroring group, a member port of an aggregation group, or a port enabled with LACPor STP.z Only an existing static VLAN can be configured as the remote-probe VLAN. To removea remote-probe VLAN, you need to restore it to a normal VLAN first. A remote portmirroring group gets invalid if the corresponding remote port mirroring VLAN isremoved.Configuring MAC-Based Mirroring