1-11 Logging In to an Ethernet SwitchGo to these sections for information you are interested in:z Logging In to an Ethernet Switchz Introduction to the User InterfaceLogging In to an Ethernet SwitchTo manage or configure an S5100-SI/EI Ethernet switch, you can log in to it in one of the following threemethods:z Command Line Interfacez Web-based Network Management Interfacez Network Management StationThe following table shows the configurations corresponding to each method:Method TasksLogging In Through the Console PortLogging In Through TelnetLogging In Using a ModemCommand Line InterfaceCLI ConfigurationWeb-based Network Management Interface Logging In Through the Web-based NetworkManagement InterfaceNetwork Management Station Logging In Through NMSIntroduction to the User InterfaceSupported User InterfacesThe auxiliary (AUX) port and the console port of an H3C low-end and mid-range Ethernet switch are thesame port (referred to as console port in the following part). You will be in the AUX user interface if youlog in through this port.S5100-SI/EI series Ethernet switches support two types of user interfaces: AUX and VTY.z AUX user interface: A view when you log in through the AUX port. AUX port is a line device port.z Virtual type terminal (VTY) user interface: A view when you log in through VTY. VTY port is alogical terminal line used when you access the device by means of Telnet or SSH.