2-2HTTP redirectionIn the HTTP redirection approach, when the terminal users that have not passed 802.1xauthentication access the Internet through Internet Explorer, they are redirected to apredefined URL for EAD client download.The two functions ensure that all the users without an EAD client have downloaded andinstalled one from the specified server themselves before they can access the Internet,thus decreasing the complexity and effort that EAD client deployment may involve.The quick EAD deployment feature takes effect only when the access control mode of an802.1x-enabled port is set to auto.Configuring Quick EAD DeploymentConfiguration Prerequisitesz Enable 802.1x on the switch.z Set the access mode to auto for 802.1x-enabled ports.Configuration ProcedureConfiguring a free IP rangeA free IP range is an IP range that users can access before passing 802.1x authentication.Follow these steps to configure a free IP range:To do... Use the command... RemarksEnter system view system-view —Configure the URL forHTTP redirection dot1x url url-string RequiredConfigure a free IP rangedot1x free-ip ip-address{ mask-address |mask-length }RequiredBy default, no free IPrange is configured.